Have you ever worked really hard on something and then shared it with the world, only to receive feedback after feedback of what’s wrong with it and what’s missing with it? That can be a bit discouraging at times. That’s often what app reviews are like on the App Store and Google Play store. Albeit, it’s helpful feedback, but what about the positive type of feedback?

When you hear the story or a kind word of how what you created helped someone and made their life better, it can be the encouragement you need to keep on going.

"Anxiety in a person's heart weighs it down, but a kind word cheers it up."

Proverbs 12:25

A preview of the new Stories feature on faith.tools.

A preview of the new Stories feature on faith.tools.

*Man… when I was down, overwhelmed like 90% of the time, and fearful Soulspace helped me find peace and power in the Lord.

— Cam Pak’s story on the Soulspace app*

Stories like that can be encouraging not only to the reader but also to the creator of the app.

What if were easier for people to reflect and share stories of how a digital creation brought value to your faith journey?

And, it is. Starting July 7, 2024, you can share your faith story on any tool on faith.tools.

Action Step

Visit any tool on faith.tools now and take a minute to reflect and respond to the prompt of “Q: How has (tool_name) brought value to your faith journey?”.

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